Vox reporter German Lopez said in a now-deleted tweet, “Not sure someone getting caught doing something almost everyone does should be a national story” he then, inexplicably, went on to compare the media’s treatment of Toobin to the issue of mass incarceration.

In a tweet, CNN’s Brian Stelter sympathetically clucked that Toobin had “been sidelined at a pivotal moment in the run-up to the presidential election” (despite CNN having hundreds of talking heads who could theoretically also serve Toobin’s role).

“When Occam’s Razor suggests someone humiliated himself through a combo of technological error, pandemic circumstances, bad judgment, & bad luck, it seems like we should react w/ empathy, politeness, & forgiveness, as we would want to be treated, rather than punitive mockery,” Atlantic staff writer Conor Friedersdorf tweeted. But there was a corollary to that sentiment one that ended up betraying quite a bit about the person vocalizing it: that getting caught jacking off on Zoom was an unfortunate mishap that could happen to anyone, and that the schadenfreude regarding the downfall of a privileged member of the media elite was unwarranted, if not cruel.